
Proactive Live Chat: Benefits, Example Use Cases, and More

15 min read
Jun 4, 2024
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Engaging visitors, whether first-time or returning, is essential for online businesses. The first point of contact is a great way to introduce your business, products, and services to your customers or provide help to those who need it. 

One of the best ways to do this is through proactive live chat, a strategy that gives businesses an edge in the sales and customer experience game.

Keep reading to find out what proactive live chat is, why it’s different from reactive live chat, and how you can use it to improve user experience and drive sales.

What is proactive live chat?

Unlike traditional reactive live chat, where the customer initiates the conversation, proactive live chat is an advanced customer service strategy where businesses engage website visitors and offer assistance before the visitor asks for it. It relies on user behavior triggers to determine the optimal moment to start a conversation and improve user experience by providing guidance, support, and help with products and services.

Proactive live chat vs. reactive live chat

While there are some similarities between the two, proactive and reactive live chats differ in three crucial areas: how they engage visitors, the type of customer experience they provide, and how they affect sales. 


Through proactive live chat, you initiate the conversation based on the visitor’s behavior on the website. For instance, if a user has been browsing for a while or has visited multiple pages without taking action, the system may trigger a proactive live chat message offering assistance or advice for a product. This shows your willingness to help and engage with your visitors, potentially catching them at a crucial decision-making moment.

a visual showing a chat window

Some live chat tools allow agents to view visitors' behavior in real time, like the pages they browse, so agents can reach out with a tailored message. This can be particularly beneficial in increasing sales.

Compared to a proactive live chat, the reactive chat relies on the user’s intent to initiate the conversation. Visitors who encounter issues or have questions must reach out for support on their own before receiving help. The customer’s hesitation to ask for help with their purchase can lead to delays and a risk of losing the customer due to frustration.

Customer experience

The proactive live chat approach enhances the customer experience by anticipating and addressing your customer’s needs before they escalate. 

For instance, if a visitor browses a travel website and spends a lot of time comparing destinations, a proactive live chat can help them plan their trip, suggest popular destinations, or offer deals tailored to their preferences. This approach can make the user feel supported and valued, providing a more positive overall experience.

a visual showing a chat window with customer data

On the other hand, reactive chat is effective in providing support when requested, but places the responsibility on the customer to ask for it. While this empowers visitors who know exactly what they’re looking for, it can be a barrier for those who don’t usually ask for assistance, potentially staining their experience if they feel their issues haven’t been promptly addressed.

Sales and conversions

Proactive live chat messages can significantly impact sales and conversions by guiding users through the buying process and offering timely assistance. For example, if a visitor adds items to their cart but doesn’t proceed to checkout, a proactive chat message can offer to help with the checkout process or provide a discount code to encourage completion of the purchase. 

Predicting the impact of reactive chat on sales is more difficult because it depends on the customer initiating the conversation. While it’s good at addressing specific inquiries, it can miss the opportunity to engage customers who might leave the site without making a purchase.

Proactive live chat

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Proactive chat message examples and real-life use cases

Using a proactive message can maximize your sales and customer engagement efforts. Keep reading to find some proactive chat examples and messages you can use for your website.

Engage new and returning visitors

Proactive chat is an excellent tool for engaging both new and returning visitors. For new visitors, it can provide a warm welcome message and immediate assistance, making them feel valued from their first interaction. For returning visitors, a proactive chat message is a great way to capitalize on the previously missed opportunity to get a customer to make a purchase.

Examples of proactive live chat messages for new visitors: 

"Hi there! Welcome to our store. Can I help you find anything today?"

"Hello! It's great to see you here. Are you looking for something specific?"

"Welcome! How can I assist you on your first visit to our site?"

"Hi! Is there something specific you’re looking for? I’m here to help."

"Hello! If you have any questions, I'm here to help."

"Hi there! Welcome to our website. Let me know if you need any assistance."

"Hello! Thanks for visiting us. Can I help you find something?"

"Hi! It's your first time here, right? How can I assist you today?"

"Welcome! Any questions or need recommendations? I'm here to help."

"Hello! Exploring our site for the first time? Let me know if you need any help."

Examples of proactive chat messages for returning visitors: 

"Welcome back! Need help finding the products you viewed last time?"

"Hi! We’re glad you’re visiting again. Can I assist you with anything today?"

"Hello! I noticed you’re back. Can I help you pick up where you left off?"

"Welcome back! Any questions or assistance needed today?"

"Hi there! If you need help or recommendations, feel free to ask."

"Hello! Nice to see you again. How can I assist you today?"

"Hi! Welcome back. Need help with anything specific?"

"Hello! It’s great to have you back. Can I help you with your shopping?"

"Welcome back! Looking for something you viewed last time?"

"Hi! It's good to see you again. Need assistance with your previous selections?"

Communicate with a hesitant visitor

Hesitant visitors who spend a lot of time browsing or those who abandon their cart can be engaged through proactive chat. They often need a little nudge or reassurance to proceed with their purchase. 

Examples of proactive live chat messages for hesitant visitors: 

"Hi there! It looks like you’re exploring our products. Can I help you find something specific?"

"Hello! Need help finding the perfect item? I’m here to assist."

"Hi! It seems like you’re interested in our products. Any questions I can answer?"

"Hello! I noticed you’ve been browsing for a while. Can I help you make a decision?"

"Hey! I see you have some items in your cart. Need assistance with the checkout process?"

"Hi there! Is there anything you’re unsure about? I’m here to help."

"Hello! You’ve got some great items in your cart. Can I help you finalize your purchase?"

"Hey! Need any help completing your order? I’m here to assist."

"Hi! It looks like you’re interested in several products. Can I offer any recommendations?"

"Hello! Having trouble deciding? Let me help you with any questions or concerns."

Offer personalized product recommendations 

Proactive live chat can enhance the shopping experience by offering personalized product recommendations and upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

When a visitor is browsing a specific category or product, proactive chat can provide tailored suggestions that enhance their shopping journey. 

Examples of proactive live chat messages for personalized product recommendations: 

"Hi! I see you’re interested in laptops. Would you like to see some of our top-rated accessories, like wireless mice and laptop bags, that go perfectly with your choice?"

"Hello! You’re looking at our running shoes. Would you like some recommendations on the best sports socks and water bottles to go with them?"

"Hi there! I noticed you’re browsing our skincare products. Can I suggest a few moisturizers that work great with the serum you’re viewing?"

"Hello! It looks like you’re interested in our cameras. Can I show you some popular lens options that other customers love?"

"Hi! Are you looking for office chairs? We have some great ergonomic desk accessories that complement your choice. Interested?"

"Hello! I see you’re checking out our dresses. Would you like to see matching accessories like handbags and jewelry?"

"Hi there! Viewing our kitchen appliances? Can I recommend some must-have utensils that go well with the mixer you’re considering?"

"Hello! If you’re interested in our fitness trackers, I can suggest some compatible heart rate monitors and scales. Want to take a look?"

"Hi! Browsing our home decor? How about checking out our selection of throw pillows that match the sofa you’re viewing?"

"Hello! You’re looking at hiking gear. Can I recommend some high-quality hiking boots that go perfectly with the backpack you’re interested in?"

Upselling and cross-selling

In addition to recommendations, proactive live chat can also engage in upselling and cross-selling by offering complementary products or higher-end models.

Examples of proactive live chat messages for upselling and cross-selling: 

"Hi! I noticed you’ve added a mid-range laptop to your cart. Did you know that for just a little more, you can get a laptop with double the memory and a faster processor? Let me know if you need more details!"

"Hello! You’re looking at a 32-inch TV. We have a special deal on a 42-inch model with 4K resolution and better sound quality. Interested?"

"Hi there! I see you’re buying a basic smartphone. How about upgrading to our latest model with a better camera and longer battery life for just $50 more?"

"Hello! It looks like you’re considering a standard blender. For a bit more, you can get our professional series blender with more features and a longer warranty. Can I tell you more?"

"Hi! I noticed you’re purchasing a pair of running shoes. We have a premium version with extra cushioning and support. Would you like to check it out?"

"Hello! You’ve added a basic desk to your cart. For an additional $30, you can get our ergonomic desk that’s adjustable in height. Interested?"

"Hi there! I see you’re buying a camera. We have a special discount on camera lenses and tripods today. Would you like to add any to your order?"

"Hello! You’re about to buy a coffee maker. We have a bundle offer with a grinder and a set of mugs. Want to add it to your purchase?"

"Hi! You’re purchasing a basic smartwatch. We also offer a premium version with more features like GPS and music storage. Would you like more information?"

"Hello! I see you’re getting a dining table. We have matching chairs and a beautiful table runner on sale. Would you like to see them?"

Offer more support on the FAQ page

Proactive live chat is particularly useful on FAQ pages, where visitors can find answers to specific questions, reach out to your support, and solve their concerns. 

Examples of proactive live chat messages for the FAQ page: 

"Hi there! It looks like you’re checking out our FAQ page. Can I assist you with any specific questions?"

"Hello! Need more details on something? I’m here to help."

"Hi! Having trouble finding an answer? Let me provide more information."

"Hello! I see you’re browsing our FAQs. Can I clarify anything for you?"

"Hi there! Is there something specific you need help with from our FAQ section?"

"Hello! I noticed you’re looking at our FAQs. Can I offer more detailed assistance?"

"Hi! If the FAQs don’t have the answer you need, I’m here to help."

"Hello! Any questions about the information you’re reading? I’m here to assist."

"Hi there! Finding everything you need? I can provide more help if necessary."

"Hello! If you need more support beyond the FAQs, feel free to ask me directly."

Benefits of proactive live chat

Proactive live chat offers numerous benefits that enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and business performance.

Let’s take a deeper look at some of the key advantages:

Tips to make the most out of proactive chat

Setting up a proactive live chat service is one thing, but perfecting it is completely different. Here are a few ways you can maximize the benefits of a proactive live chat strategy.

Set proactive chat triggers

Identify specific user behaviors that will trigger proactive chat invitations. This can include time spent on a page, multiple visits to a product page, or the start of a checkout process without completion. 

Personalize your messages

Customize chat messages to be relevant to the user’s current activity. For instance, if a user is browsing investment options, a message tailored to provide personalized investment advice can be more engaging and lead to a better outcome than generic ones.

Make sure you have the right timing

Initiating a chat too early can be off-putting, while waiting too long can result in missed opportunities. Analyzing user behavior can help you determine the best timing for initiating chats.

Use data analytics

Rely on data analytics to understand user behavior and optimize proactive chat triggers. Analyzing your past chat interactions can provide insights into the best times and situations to initiate chats, helping you fine-tune your proactive chat strategy.

Train proactive live chat support agents

Ensure that chat agents are well-trained to handle proactive interactions and provide timely, relevant, and helpful responses to keep the conversation valuable. Ongoing training and support are needed to maintain high standards of customer service.

Offer multi-language support

If you’re offering your product and services in multiple regions, make sure your proactive chat is available in the local language of your users to maximize engagement and support. 

Monitor and adjust

Continuously monitor the performance of your proactive chat messages and make adjustments as needed. Track metrics like response rates, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction to gauge the effectiveness of your proactive live chat software and identify areas for improvement.

Measuring the proactive chat

It’s essential to measure the effectiveness of a proactive live chat strategy to understand its impact and make necessary adjustments. Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include:

1. Response rate: The percentage of proactive chat messages that receive a response. A high response rate indicates that proactive chat messages are well-timed and relevant.

2. Conversion rate: The percentage of users who engage in a proactive chat and subsequently complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or booking a service. This metric helps gauge the direct impact of proactive messages on sales and conversions.

3. Customer satisfaction: Use post-chat surveys to measure customer satisfaction with the proactive chat experience. High satisfaction scores indicate that the proactive messages effectively meet customer needs.

4. Average resolution time: A proactive live chat service reduces the average time it takes to resolve issues. Faster resolution times typically indicate more efficient and effective support.

5. Abandonment rate: The percentage of users who leave the site after a proactive chat invitation without responding. A high abandonment rate may indicate that the chat invitations are perceived as intrusive or irrelevant.

Proactive live chat

Be more proactive using smart support features and improve your business performance.

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Proactive live chat software: LiveChat

LiveChat is one of the leading proactive chat software solutions. It offers a range of features that enhance chat services, allowing you to engage with customers more effectively and boost sales. 

Here's how proactive live chat can help you stand out from competition:

You can try it out for free or learn about other live chat software.


Proactive live chat software can transform how you interact with their website visitors. With the right use, businesses across various industries, from ecommerce to SaaS, travel, or financial services, can boost their sales and improve customer experience.

If that’s what you need, check out LiveChat and discover how a proactive live chat can improve your business.